Further Information about this Notice and the Litigation

1. Why was this Notice issued?

Settlement Class Members are eligible to receive payment and credit monitoring services from a proposed Settlement in the Litigation. The Court overseeing the Litigation authorized this Notice to advise Settlement Class Members about the proposed Settlement that will affect their legal rights. This Notice explains certain legal rights and options Settlement Class Members have in connection with the Settlement.

2. What is the Litigation about?

The Litigation is a proposed class action lawsuit brought on behalf of the Settlement Class. The Settlement Class includes all individuals within the United States for whom Defendant has contact information and/or identifying information, such as date of birth or Social Security number, whose Personal Information was potentially compromised in the Data Incident disclosed by Injured Workers Pharmacy in February 2022.

The Litigation claims Defendant is legally responsible for the Data Incident and asserts various legal claims including negligence and breach of fiduciary duty. IWP denies all claims of wrongdoing or liability that Plaintiffs, Settlement Class Members, or anyone else have asserted in this Litigation or may assert in the future based on the conduct alleged in the complaint.

3. Why is the Litigation a class action?

In a class action, one or more plaintiffs bring a lawsuit on behalf of others who have similar claims. Together, all these people are the “Class”, and each individual is a “Settlement Class Member.” There are two Plaintiffs in this case: Alexsis Webb and Marsclette Charley. The Class in this case is referred to in this Notice as the “Settlement Class.”

4. Why is there a Settlement?

Plaintiffs and Class Counsel have conducted an investigation into the facts and the law regarding the Litigation. The Plaintiffs and Class Counsel believe that the Settlement is fair, reasonable, and adequate, and beneficial to and in the best interests of Plaintiffs and the Settlement Class. The Court has not decided whether Plaintiffs’ claims or Defendant’s defenses have any merit, and it will not do so if the proposed Settlement is approved. Considering the risks and uncertainties of continued litigation and all factors bearing on the merits of settlement, the Parties are satisfied that the terms and conditions of this Settlement Agreement are fair, reasonable, adequate, and in their respective best interests. The Settlement does not mean that Defendant did anything wrong, or that the Plaintiffs and the Settlement Class would or would not win the case if it were to go to trial.

Terms of the Proposed Settlement

5. Who is in the Settlement Class?

The Settlement Class is defined by the Court as “All individuals residing in the United States for whom Defendant has contact information and/or identifying information, such as date of birth or Social Security number, whose Personal Information was potentially compromised in the Data Incident disclosed by Injured Workers Pharmacy in February 2022.”

Excluded from the Settlement Class are: (1) the judges presiding over this Action, and members of their direct families; (2) the Defendant, their subsidiaries, parent companies, successors, predecessors, and any entity in which the Defendant or their parents have a controlling interest, and their current or former officers and directors; and (3) Settlement Class Members who submit a valid Request for Exclusion prior to the Opt-Out Deadline.

6. What are the terms of the Settlement?

The proposed Settlement would create a non-reversionary common fund amount of $1,075,000 that would be used to pay all costs of the Settlement, including: (i) payments to Settlement Class Members who submit valid claims, (ii) costs of administration and notice, (iii) any attorneys’ fees and costs awarded by the Court to Class Counsel (not to exceed one third of the total Settlement Fund, or $358,333.33 in attorneys’ fees, and litigation expenses up to $25,000), and (iv) any Service Awards to the Plaintiffs awarded by the Court (not exceed an amount of $5,000 to each Class Representative). The Settlement also releases all claims or potential claims of Settlement Class Members against Defendant arising from or related to the Data Breach, as detailed in the Class Settlement Agreement and Release.

7. What claims are Settlement Class Members giving up under the Settlement?

Any Settlement Class Member who does not file a timely request for exclusion in accordance with Question 16 will lose the opportunity to exclude himself or herself from the Settlement and will be bound by the Settlement. The claims that Settlement Class Members are releasing are described in the Class Settlement Agreement and Release.

Settlement Benefits Available to Settlement Class Members

8. What benefits can Settlement Class Members receive?

Settlement Class Members who submit valid claims and any required documentation may receive one or more of the following: (i) Credit Monitoring: two (2) years of Credit Monitoring Services,  (ii) Compensation for Unreimbursed Economic Losses: reimbursement of up to $5000, and (iii) a Pro Rata Cash Payment: a pro rata share of the Net Settlement Fund, less all valid claims for Unreimbursed Losses.

Depending on how many valid claims are submitted, the amounts of the Pro Rata Cash Payment will be adjusted upward or downward proportionally among Settlement Class Members submitting valid claims for those awards, as explained further below in Question 11.

9. What are Unreimbursed Economic Losses?

The Settlement Administrator, from the Settlement Fund, will provide compensation, up to a total of $5,000 per person who is a Participating Settlement Class Member, upon submission of a claim and supporting documentation, for unreimbursed ordinary and/or extraordinary economic losses incurred as a result of the Data Incident, including, without limitation, unreimbursed losses relating to fraud or identity theft; professional fees including attorneys’ fees, accountants’ fees, and fees for credit repair services; costs associated with freezing or unfreezing credit with any credit reporting agency; credit monitoring costs that were incurred on or after the Data Incident through the date of claim submission; and miscellaneous expenses such as notary, fax, postage, copying, mileage, and long-distance telephone charges.

Participating Settlement Class Members with ordinary and/or extraordinary economic losses must submit documentation supporting their claims. This can include receipts or other documentation not “self-prepared” by the claimant that document the costs incurred. “Self-prepared” documents such as handwritten receipts are, by themselves, insufficient to receive reimbursement, but can be considered to add clarity or support other submitted documentation.

10. What is the Pro Rata Cash Payment?

Every Settlement Class Member is eligible to receive a Pro Rata Cash Payment share of the Net Settlement Fund, less all valid claims for Unreimbursed Losses and Credit Monitoring. To receive this benefit, Participating Settlement Class Members must submit a valid claim form, but no documentation is required to make a claim.  The amount of the Cash Payments will be increased or decreased on a pro rata basis, depending upon the number of valid claims filed and the amount of funds available for these payments. Class Counsel predicts the value of pro rata payments will exceed $50 per valid claimant. The Pro Rata Cash Payment is subject to upward or downward adjustment as described below in Question 11.

Eligibility for any award and the validity of your claim, including the Pro Rata Cash Payment, will be determined by the Settlement Administrator as outlined in Question 15.

11. When and how will the amount of Settlement payments be adjusted?

The amounts paid for all Pro Rata Cash Payments will be adjusted upward or downward from the amounts listed in Question 10 depending on how many Settlement Class Members submit valid claims.

If the total dollar value of all valid claims is less than the amount of money available in the Settlement Fund for payment of those claims, the amounts for Pro Rata Cash Payments will be adjusted upward proportionally among all valid claims for those awards, until the amounts remaining in the Settlement Fund are exhausted (or as nearly as possible).

If the total dollar value of all valid claims is more than the amount of money available in the Settlement Fund for payment of those claims, the amount of the payments for Pro Rata Cash Payments will be adjusted downward proportionally among all Settlement Class Members who submitted valid claims for Pro Rata Cash Payments.

Class Members may receive compensation for both Unreimbursed Economic Losses and Pro Rata Cash Payments, subject to a combined monetary benefits cap of $5,000 per Class Member.

12. What happens after all claims are processed and there are funds remaining?

The funds remaining in the Settlement Fund after completion of these disbursements and after the time for cashing and/or depositing checks has expired will be Remainder Funds. The Remainder Funds will be sent to a charitable organization, which must be jointly proposed by the parties and approved by the Court, as a cy pres distribution.

Your Options as a Settlement Class Member

13. If I am a Settlement Class Member, what options do I have?

If you are a Settlement Class Member, you do not have to do anything to remain in the Settlement. In order to receive payment from the Settlement, you must submit a valid Claim Form.

If you do not want to give up your right to sue Defendant about the Data Incident or the issues raised in this case, you must exclude yourself (or “opt out”) from the Settlement Class. See Question 16 below for instructions on how to exclude yourself.

If you wish to object to the Settlement, you must remain a Settlement Class Member (i.e., you may not also exclude yourself from the Settlement Class by opting out) and submit a written objection. See Question 19 below for instructions on how to submit an objection.

14. What happens if I do nothing?

If you do nothing, you will get no award from this Settlement. Unless you exclude yourself, after the Settlement is granted final approval and the judgment becomes Final, you will be bound by the judgment and you will never be able to start a lawsuit, continue with a lawsuit, or be part of any other lawsuit against Defendant related to the claims released by the Settlement.

15. Who decides my Settlement claim and how do they do it?

The Settlement Administrator will decide whether a Claim Form is complete and valid and includes all required documentation. The Settlement Administrator may require additional information from any claimant. Failure to timely provide all required information will invalidate a claim and it will not be paid.

16. How do I exclude myself from the Settlement?

To opt out of the Settlement, you must submit a request for exclusion that must include the name of the proceeding, the individual’s full name, current address, personal signature, and the words “Request for Exclusion,” a comparable statement that the individual does not wish to participate in the Settlement, or some other clear manifestation of the intent to opt-out of the Settlement in the written communication. Each request for exclusion must request exclusion only for that one individual whose personal signature appears on the request. You must mail your request to this address:

IWP Data Settlement Administrator
PO Box 1031
Baton Rouge, LA 70821

Your request must be submitted online or postmarked by November 8, 2024.

17. If I exclude myself, can I receive any payment from this Settlement?

No. If you exclude yourself, you will not be entitled to any award under the Settlement. However, you will also not be bound by any judgment in this Litigation.

18. If I do not exclude myself, can I sue Defendant for the Data Incident later?

No. Unless you exclude yourself, you give up any right to sue Defendant for the claims that this Settlement resolves. You must exclude yourself from the Settlement Class to start your own lawsuit or to be part of any different lawsuit relating to the claims in this case. If you exclude yourself, do not submit a claim form requesting a payment.

19. How do I object to the Settlement?

All Settlement Class Members who do not opt-out from the Settlement Class have the right to object to the Settlement or any part of it. You can ask the Court to deny approval by filing an objection. You can’t ask the Court to order a different settlement; the Court can only approve or reject the Settlement. If the Court denies approval, no Settlement Payments will be sent out and the Litigation will continue. If that is what you want to happen, you must object.

Any objection to the proposed Settlement must be in writing and it and any supporting papers must be mailed to this address:

Clerk of Court
John Joseph Moakley U.S. Courthouse
1 Courthouse Way, Suite 2300
Boston, Massachusetts 02210

Your objection must be filed or postmarked no later than the objection deadline, November 8, 2024

To be considered by the Court, your written objection must include (i) the name of the proceedings; (ii) the Settlement Class Member’s full name, current mailing address, and telephone number; (iii) a statement of the specific grounds for the objection, as well as any documents supporting the objection and a description of whether the objection applies only to the Settlement Class Member, a subset of the Settlement Class, or the entire Settlement Class; (iv) the identity of any attorneys representing the objector (if any); (v) a statement regarding whether the Settlement Class Member (or his/her attorney) intends to appear at the Final Approval Hearing; (vi) a description and/or copies of evidence that may be introduced at fairness hearing; (vii) a list of proceedings in which the Settlement Class Member has submitted an objection during the past five years; and (viii) the signature of the Settlement Class Member or the Settlement Class Member’s attorney.

If you submit a timely written objection, you may, but are not required to, appear at the Final Approval Hearing, either in person or through your own attorney. If you appear through your own attorney, you are responsible for hiring and paying that attorney.

Court Approval of the Settlement

20. How, when, and where will the Court decide whether to approve the Settlement?

The Court will hold a Final Approval Hearing to decide whether to approve the Settlement. That hearing is scheduled for January 16, 2025, at 2:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time at the United States District Court for the District of Massachusetts, Eastern Division, 1 Courthouse Way, Suite 2300 Boston, Massachusetts 02210. At the Final Approval Hearing, the Court will consider whether the Settlement Agreement is fair, reasonable, and adequate, was entered into in good faith and without collusion, and approves and directs consummation of this Settlement Agreement . If there are timely objections, the Court will consider them and will listen to people who have properly requested to speak at the hearing. The Court may also consider Class Counsel’s request for attorneys’ fees and costs and expenses, and the request for a service award for the Plaintiffs. After the hearing, the Court will decide whether to approve the Settlement.

It is possible the Court could reschedule the hearing to a different date or time without notice, so it is a good idea before the hearing to check the Home Page to confirm the schedule if you wish to attend.

21. Do I have to attend the hearing?

No. You do not need to attend the hearing unless you object to the settlement and wish to appear in person. It is not necessary to appear in person in order to make an objection; the Court will consider any written objections properly submitted according to the instructions in Question 19. You or your own lawyer are welcome to attend the hearing at your expense, but are not required to do so.

22. What happens if the Court approves the settlement?

If the Court approves the Settlement and no appeal is taken, the Settlement Fund will be fully funded. The Settlement Administrator will pay any Fee Award and Expenses and any Plaintiffs’ Service Awards from the Settlement Fund. Then, the Settlement Administrator will send Settlement Payments and Credit Monitoring Services to Settlement Class Members who submitted timely and valid Claim Forms.

If any appeal is taken, it is possible the settlement could be disapproved on appeal.

23. What happens if the Court does not approve the settlement?

If the Court does not approve the Settlement, there will be no Settlement Payments to Settlement Class Members, Class Counsel or the Plaintiffs, and the case will proceed as if no Settlement had been attempted.

Lawyers for the Settlement Class and Defendant

24. Who represents the Settlement Class?

The Court has appointed the following Class Counsel to represent the Settlement Class in this Litigation:

Class Counsel

Raina C. Borrelli, Esq.
One Magnificent Mile
980 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 1610
Chicago, IL 60611

David K, Lietz, Esq.
5335 Wisconsin Avenue NW, Suite 440
Washington, DC 20015


Settlement Class Members will not be charged for the services of Class Counsel. Class Counsel will be paid out of the Settlement Fund, subject to Court approval. However, you may hire your own attorney at your own cost to advise you in this matter or represent you in making an objection or appearing at the Final Approval Hearing.

25. How will the lawyers for the Settlement Class be paid?

Class Counsel will file a Fee and Expense Application for an award of attorneys’ fees to be paid from the Settlement Fund not to exceed one-third (1/3) of the value of the Settlement, or $358,333.33, and litigation expenses up to $25,000. Class Counsel will file a Fee Application that will include a request for Service Award payments for the Settlement Class Representatives in recognition for their contributions to this Action not to exceed $5,000 per Plaintiff ($10,000 total).

26. Who represents Defendant in the Litigation?

Defendant is represented by the following counsel:

Defendant’s Counsel
Jordan S. O’Donnell, Esq.
Claudia D. McCarron, Esq.
Mullen Coughlin LLC
426 W. Lancaster Ave., Suite
Devon, PA 19333

For Further Information

27. What if I want further information or have questions?

Email info@IWPDataSettlement.com, call 1-844-927-1257, or write to the IWP Data Settlement Administrator, PO Box 1031, Baton Rouge, LA 70821.

Please do not contact the Court or Defendant’s Counsel.